Why Choose MicroInverters ?

MicroInverters offer advantages over traditional "String" Inverters in many situations ... but they cost a bit more ... is it worth paying the premium ???

Well it really depends on your Specific Circumstances and Priorities ... but we one of our Energy Consultants can talk you through the Pros and Cons to see if they are right for you ...


All Solar Power Systems need an Inverter to convert the DC Power produced by the Solar Panels into 240 Volts AC Power that matches the type of power from the Mains Grid that powers our homes and businesses.

Traditionally, Solar Power Systems had Solar Panels on the roof that were wired in one or two circuits (or "Strings").  So a 5kW System with 20 x 250W Panels might have 2 Strings of 10 Panels.  And these Strings would be connected by DC Cables to a Single Inverter mounted (typically) next to the Electrical Swtichboard.

A MicroInverter System has one small ("micro") Inverter mounted on the back of every panel.

So why does this technical difference matter to you ???

Benefits of MicroInverters (versus String Inverters):

  • SAFETY: Far Lower DC Voltages mean no risk of DC Arcs causing building fires (as is possible and does occur with String Inverters) and no risk of DC Electrocution (although 240V AC from the Inverters is still lethal as any AC cable in your house is)
  • PERFORMANCE:  Better Performance on intermittently Shaded Sites
  • FLEXIBILITY: More Flexible Designs allowing panels to be placed in odd positions and different directions - including small numbers of them dotted around on other buildings if required.
  • UPGRADEABILITY: Allows upgrade one panel at a time (although for 2 phase actually 2 panels at a time to balance across the phases).
  • TRANSPARENCY: MicroInverters come with Panel-level monitoring as standard. So unlike a Single String Inverter, you know if one single panel is faulty (although under-performance of a String Inverter might indicate the panels need to be checked).
  • REDUNDANCY: MicroInverters offer redundancy --- if one panel or inverter fails, the rest remain in service. With a String Inverter a failed panel will take out a whole circuit which in your case is half the panels.
  • CONVENIENCE: No bulky String Inverters on the Wall of the House or the Shed
Again, whether paying for these Benefits is warranted, depends on your Specific Circumstances and Priorities ... please contact one of our Energy Consultants who can talk you through the Pros and Cons to see if they are right for you -- see the Contact Details of our Consultants on the Left Column ...