CoPower - Taking back the power

How to use your energy bill to help your community

As many will know, BREAZE Inc. is an organisational member and part-owner of CoPower, the electricity cooperative which offers affordable and clean electricity to households across Australia. 

Unlike big for-profit energy corporations – that channel their profits to their shareholders and executive with little thought for society and the planet – CoPower is a cooperative managed according to democratic principles:

•. Every customer member has an equal say on where 100% of revenue goes. 

•. So your energy bill builds the world you want to live in. 

This article covers:

  • How you can make the switch to CoPower 

  • CoPower’s democratic Impact Budget, which is now underway

  • How CoPower members can get help with getting off gas

1. Make the switch

If you are not a member yet do think about making the switch to Cooperative Power - Together we're taking the power back. Your exclusive BREAZE code is 9004999 which entitles you to a $50 sign-on credit. Find out more here.  Request a quote

2. CoPower’s 2024 democratic budget process is now underway

Voting is now underway for customer members - CoPower has allocated $42,500 to our Impact Campaign budget. The Impact budget is used to fund good works in communities. Voting closes at 11.45pm on 14 July.

Last year this budget supported:

  • climate impacted farmers in Timor Leste to organize for fair livelihoods, 

    1. the development of a co-housing connector tool, 

    2. the startup of an environmentally friendly building cooperative, 

    3. SEED Indigenous youth climate network 

    4. and invested in community renewable energy!

Have your say – Vote by 11:45pm on 14 July

There are 14 applications for funds from the impact campaign budget.  A minimum of 4 campaigns will be funded. The member benefits budget has 5 areas that require your consideration.

CoPower uses ElectionBuddy as its voting platform. There are two ballot papers, one for the Impact Campaigns and the 2nd for the Member Benefits. There are 14 applications for funds from the impact campaign budget.  A minimum of 4 campaigns will be funded. The member benefits budget has 5 areas that require your consideration.

The cumulative voting method is being used in both votes.  In cumulative voting, you are given a fixed number of votes to be distributed between the options.  You can allocate your votes any way you like, but you cannot allocate more that the total number of votes allowed.

More information on CoPower’s democratic budget process can be found here [Result of 1st vote: Democratic Budget 2024-25 - Cooperative Power  including the timeline of key activities over the coming weeks.  

3.  This year CoPower is members to vote for five proposals for its Energy Efficiency Member Benefit Fund.

 There are currently five proposals for members to vote on. The Member Benefit Fund has $21,000 for distribution

Over the next year this fund will focus on supporting customer members to reduce energy use, make homes more comfortable, get off gas and save money.  CoPower is partnering with the Earthworker’s Energy Cooperatives to deliver these services and customer members will vote to determine which member benefits will be funded.  Recently Earthworker Smart Energy Cooperative and Earthworker Energy Manufacturing Cooperative meet with the CoPower Energy Efficiency Action Group to discuss and develop their proposals. click here to read more about the Member Benefit Fund.


Why we must electrify everything


The BREAZE Inc. Regional Guide to Community Energy