Green Drinks is an international organisation with local chapters around the world hosting free monthly informal networking sessions for people who care about the environment and climate action. Visit the international Green Drinks website here.
Michael Poulton, CEO Committee for Ballarat, at Ballarat Green Drinks, May 16 talking about the Ballarat Energy Network, a vision for a 100% renewable Ballarat
As host of the Ballarat chapter, BREAZE Inc. invites local experts and specialists with a background in issues such as environmental conservation, waste resource recovery, renewable energy and energy efficiency to present on the third Thursday of the month from February to November.
Given this is a social networking group intended to help locals make connections, we invite attendees to arrive by 6:30pm to order their drinks or meals before the talk, which begins at 7:00 pm and is followed by a Q&A which runs to 8:00pm. The venue for Ballarat Green Drinks is the Bunch of Grapes Hotel, 401 Pleasant St South, Redan, Ballarat.
We also suggest people book free tickets via Try booking
You can find out more about each event on the Ballarat Green Drinks Facebook page. If you think Green Drinks sounds like something you would like to attend we suggest you follow us on the Facebook page to stay up to date.