What Do Victorians think about GAS? Environment Victoria Report

With the State Government due to review their Gas Substitution Roadmap in the coming months, Environment Victoria wanted to show the government that Victorians are asking for the Roadmap to be strengthened with setting specific goals and timelines to assist households to get off gas.  After surveying over 220 locals and having conversations around replacing gas appliances, a Report – What do Victorians Think about Gas? – was compiled and handed to local politicians recently on the steps of parliament. 


Together with a cost comparison report compiled by RENEW, the Report shows overwhelming public support to move away from gas.


In addition it's clear that Victorians will save by switching across to all electric. To find out more about how to save by getting off gas read Environment Victoria's IT’S A GAS: How ditching gas this winter can cut heating bills by 75%



The BREAZE Inc. Regional Guide to Community Energy