BREAZE Monthly Update June 2024

BREAZE in the News


On Wednesday June 5, World Environment Day, Ballarat's budding young environmentalists gathered to receive their certificates and prizes as winners in the 2024  BREAZE Children's Writing Competition. 

This year we were delighted to have Juliana Addison MP, Member for Wendouree, who generously took time out of her busy schedule to present the prizes. Drawing on her former profession and skills as a teacher, Juliana entered into the spirit of the event, posing for parental snaps with each excited award winner as they shook hands and received their certificates. 

The event was held in Ballarat's newly renovated Central Library, which proved an excellent venue for seating the 30+ children, family members and teachers who attended, with the children's work displayed on the central hall's big screen.

The judges this year commented on the range of ideas and the passion so many young writers bought to the topic - "What I can do to help the environment' - noting that taking action also means taking responsibility for our purchasing choices, how we conserve energy and water and other precious resources, and how we dispose of our waste. A generation growing up with the concept of the circular economy. their submissions and responses in pre-award audience discussion indicated their awareness of the importance of our now complex multi coloured bin waste -recovery system.

The competition is open to all children in grades 5 & 6 enrolled in a primary school in greater Ballarat.

Of the 132 entries this year 22 received  prizes, with a prize for the school winner for every school that submits at least 5 entries as well as the overall Competition First Prize Winner and Special Mentions awarded by the judges for ideas and originality. The prizes are certificates and book vouchers. We thank Collin Booksellers on Lydiard for partnering with us this year. 


BREAZE Events Coming Up




Special Guest: Tim Forcey engineer, author and energy expert and the man behind the very popular “My Efficient Electric Home” facebook page will be talking about his new handbook of the same name. Books will be available to purchase.

June 20th 6.30 - 8.00pm

Bunch of Grapes Hotel

Make sure you book this popular session.

Bookings (free) More info.


Non Financial Economies

Join us for a panel discussion about the robust economy that exists beyond money! Trading, sharing, volunteering...there are so many ways that we can give and get back, strengthening our community and enriching our lives without any money changing hands. 

Wed 26th June 12.30 - 1.30

WHERE: Sebastopol Library

Free. Bookings not required

3BA Monthly talk

Tune in to 102.3 FM at 10.10 a.m every 4th Friday of the month, to hear one of our members chatting with Brett Macdonald. This month Vany talks to Brett about our latest solar project at Woodbine disability service.


How to use your energy bill to help your community

As many will know, BREAZE Inc. is an organisational member and part-owner of CoPower, the electricity cooperative which offers affordable and clean electricity to households across Australia. 

Unlike big for-profit energy corporations – that channel their profits to their shareholders and executive with little thought for society and the planet – CoPower is a cooperative managed according to democratic principles:

•. Every customer member has an equal say on where 100% of revenue goes. 

•. So your energy bill builds the world you want to live in. 

Read more about CoPower

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