Grampians Community Power Hub

In July 2021, BREAZE Inc. was chosen by Sustainability Victoria, to lead the Grampians Community Power Hub (G-CPH) – to identify community renewable energy projects across the 11 LGAs of the Grampians region. In partnership with its Hepburn Branch partner lead by Hepburn Energy, BREAZE volunteers identified 40 + projects.

Delivered by Sustainability Victoria, the 2021 Community Power Hub program, which involved seven Hubs across the State,  ended in July 2022.

The G-CPH engaged with 50+community energy groups and 232 community organisations. The communities that stood out for their renewable energy champions were: Daylesford, where the Hepburn Shire's ZNet Plan has lifted the level of community awareness, Natimuk, St Arnaud, Pomonal, Halls Gap and Ballan. We know, however, that there are many other communities in the region, particularly across the Wimmera, with pressing energy needs which would greatly benefit from access to renewable energy expertise.

The 46 projects identified covered a wide range of types and capacities: from low-complexity feasibility studies for simple rooftop solar installations for local not-for-profit organisations, to contracting expert facilitator discussions on governance for a community-solar farm, to scoping the needs/possibilities of a regional community energy group wanting to establish a renewables power hub, to first stage feasibility studies and expert-facilitated community engagement sessions for community battery trials, under the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance's (CVGA) Community Sparksprogram –a first round NBI recipient –along with extensive Level 1-2 energy audits for the Grampians Health Service –5+ sites across three regional locations.

We estimate the potential total capacity of this pipeline as 12MW with CAPEX of $37M. We are particularly proud to report that the pipeline of 46 projects identified by the G-CPH includes six that have been implemented or are about to be and another four we believe will also be implemented in the near future.

The completed projects are:

  • McCallum Disability Services –6.6kW Rooftop solar for a new accommodation unit;

  • Daylesford Dharma School Super Charges with Solar–25.5kW rooftop solar system;

  • Trentham Golf Club driving down emissions –27kWh battery system;

  • Bullarto Public Hall–energy efficiency audit;

  • Hepburn Shire (HS) Heat Pump Bulk-Buy–22 energy efficient heat pumps installed in homes across HS.

  • 30/11/22 set for the installation of 11.7kW of solar at the Doxa Youth Foundation's Malmsbury Camp.

  • 60 kW rooftop solar for Woodbine Disability in Warracknabeal - later funded by NEJF6, Woodbine & BREAZE Public Fund

  • Horsham Golf Club 60kW rooftop solar awaiting the outcome of the CCCEA Round 2;

  • Ballan Caravan Park (est. 22.5kW rooftop solar for the amenities block) which the BCP is planning to self-fund


Solar and Batteries for Pinarc


Social Solar for Ballarat Regional Industries