Solar and Batteries for Pinarc

In August 2021 BREAZE Inc.Project Manager, Peter Reid, signed off on the final report for DELWP's New Energy Jobs fund grant that enabled BREAZE to install solar and batteries at all four properties of Ballarat-based  Pinarc - Disability Support provider: English Street, Golden Point ; Sturt Street, Ballarat Central; Otway Street South, Ballarat (Pennyweight Park) and Tait Street, Bonshaw. In all BREAZE Inc installed 76kW of solar PV and batteries at every site, totalling 40kWh.

Like many not-for-profit organisations, Pinarc does not have the budgetary flexibility to afford the installation of rooftop solar on its buildings, so this project helped tol deliver energy justice and social benefit, contributing cost reductions and emissions reductions that would have not otherwise have been possible. Ongoing energy savings will flow to Pinarc because of the installations enabling Pinarc to expand their current programs.

Blending government support with local initiatives, Pinarc Social Solar, echoes the GNet Roadmap’s recommendations for collaborative action: 'Local organisations can engage with governments and energy companies to establish community benefit programs.’ 

For BREAZE enabling access to the cost-benefits of solar PV ownership is an opportunity to deliver social justice and climate justice – charitable institutions lack the discretionary funds to invest in rooftop solar, in the same way as householders. 

This collaboration also offered an opportunity to assist local Ballarat tradespeople through opening up new possibilities for work, thereby also contributing to the region’s economic recovery.


Grampians Renewable Energy Program


Grampians Community Power Hub